Monday, July 8, 2013

Hike the Colorado Trail

Welcome back Wilfred.  One of  our newer amateur photographers has been out hiking the Colorado Trail.  Join Wilfred on a summer hike at 10-12,000 feet in the high Colorado Mountains.  Wilfred hiked aproximately 12 miles round trip and had a full day of fresh mountain air and sights. 

Photographer:  Wilfred

Colorado Trail Head off of Monarch Pass

 Fooses Creek at the bridge
Wilfred found that even in times of drought the high mountains still run with snow melt along numerous small rivelets, some making tunnels through the ground.  When someone says, "the water sprang from the ground," it's true.

Some snow drainages can be as small as a few inches across.

Trails cross these creeks numerous times and can even share the same path for awhile as the water rushes from the mountain tops.

The wildlife benefit from these flowing streams as well as any unlucky lost hikers.

Yep, that's snow. Even in July during a virtual drought, snow can be found lurking beneath deep gashes and under heavy shade.

Near the summit
(note lingering smoke that is still floating around the state from the numerous wild fires)

Whew what a hike but all was worth the reward!

The Colorado Trail follows the ridge lines of the Rockies all the way from the northern state border to the southern border.  It continues on into the linking states also.

One last look around before Wilfred headed back down the trail.  What a day for one lucky hiker and amateur photographer.
(note the old jeep trail that goes almost straight down the hill)

Ok, I am sure many of you have already gone on at least one summer outing or vacation.  Do you have some shots of the places you have seen so far?  Please consider sharing them with us and any explanation of the area or activity will be posted with your photographs.  Read the sidebar at the upper right hand side of this page to see how to submit your pictures.

1 comment:

Brenda said...

Beautiful as usual! So nice seeing all the green. It really does still exist!