DULCIUS-EX-ASPERIS, is the photographer featured on this page.  He plans on sharing his photo's over time, including those he's taken on his travels to places like Vietnam and South America.  He uses a one step Panasonic Lumix camera that he takes with him on his travels.
Please enjoy and leave comments to let  Dulcius-ex-Asperis know what you like the best about his photo's.


Resturant in Colonia, Uraguay and the Andes Mountain Range:

Andes Mountains, 22,000 ft elevation

Resturant in Colonia, Uraguay

Courtyard in Colonia

Lunch for Two in Colonia

Dinner for Two at Colonia


Vietnam Vets Remember

  Remembering the Ammenities at the "Hanoi Hilton"

Hanoi Hilton Toilet

No Toilet Paper

Hanoi Hilton

Copper Bucket



40 Year Reunion trip - Rolling Thunder

Whispering Clouds

Mountain Moon

El Morro National Monument

El Morro National Monument
(Along the California Trail,
Old Spanish Trail)

Rolling Thunder

Naval Academy Cemetary


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