
The photographs on this page were taken by an amateur photographer who wishes to be known as 'Wilfred'.  This person uses a small Nikon and also a small Sony pocket camera.
    Please leave comments at the bottom of this page and let this photographer know that you enjoy the world as they see it.
Photographer: Wilfred
Hiking the Colrado Trail
Colorado Trail Head at the bridge over Fooses Creek on Monarch Pass

Fooses Creek
 Snow Drainage can make tunnels to bypass an obstacle

Snow melt creeks can be as small as a few inches acrosss

Trails and creeks cross frequently and can share the same path at times


 The wildlife benefit from the snowmelt as well

Snow can still be found in July under trees and crevices at high altitude

At the Summit


The Colorado Trail follows the ridges of the Rockies from the northern border of Colorado to the southern border and beyond.

One last look around before heading back down the trail for a 12 mile round trip day outing


Peek a Boo... Can you see me?
 Aww... you caught me
 I'm a shy one..
 I can pose too!
 Isn't that enough pictures yet?
 I'm outta here..

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