Thursday, November 12, 2015

Fall Away Fall.....

Fall is falling...Have you noticed?  The sun still shares it's warmth on some lucky days while the cool mountain air flows down the hillsides and across the reeds.

Photographer: Photo Amature

Cattails shield water as a warm sun and cool breeze caresses them....

Dry Cattails blowing in a fall wind..
as the Rockies look on....

Half dressed trees rule the byways as leaves fall and leave them bare..

    Ok Y'all, your turn now.  Please contact us and join in.  If you only have one picture right now don't let that stop you.  We will post it as a single entry and it will get all of the attention. 
    Look at the sidebar at the top of this page and send the photos in to be watermarked and shared.  You will get all of the credit by using your handle or alias which protects privacy for our entrants but also you can share with your family and friends so that they will know which pictures are yours.  If you become a regular entry photographer then we will create a tab or page just for your pictures so that you and your family and friends can easily find your entry's.
  Looking forward to some new members soon.  Enjoy!


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