Sunday, March 31, 2013

Eclectic Photos (see EASTER post below also)

  This post was not posted in early March due to clerical error on post managers part.  Sorry about that.  Today is Easter but you are getting a bonus here so enjoy!!!

This week we are bringing on board yet another new photographer as well as a few old timers to our blog.  Please welcome our new guest photographer, who is called 'Photo Pipeline', and let's reaquaint with our fun loving photographer known as 'funky-i-yam.'

Photographer:  Photo Pipeline

Arizona Sunset Fire

Photographer:  Funky-i-yam

Centrifical Ice Sculpture

Photographer:  Photo Amature
An antique wood burning stove used in small cabins and hunting tents. One of our favorite photographers, Mountain Man refurbished it with his own homemade stove pipe and stove lid.  I love antiques and especially ones like this that is still very useful.

'Glow-Fire'   Antique Wood Stove

Do you have some favorite photos that you've taken recently or even in the distant past that you really enjoy?  Don't be shy, just send them in to the email address listed in the sidebar info above.  Follow the instructions to be included in our fun photography group blog.

EASTER!! What does it mean to youi?

EASTER!  What does it mean to you?  Each day of the year holds some special meaning to someone and that can affect not only one but multitudes of people.  Birthdays are special to one and their family and friends, holidays hold a meriad of meanings to the many.  I hope that many of you will be willing to share your meaning of this and other special days with the rest of us through photography!
  Among the many things that Easter means to me, the thing that always draws my camera from the case is Flowers, whether in a garden, nature or in bouquets.

Photgrapher:  Photo Amature

A Colorado Columbine from my Garden

 Following Bouquets from a relatives expansive garden

Flowers from my Husband
Dried Beautifully

A Bucket of Garden Flowers

Even in Sparce, Dry soil Delicate
Flowers Abound

Even a large Weed can Produce Beautiful
and Wonderful Blooms

A Red Maple produced these
Shimmering Golden Silver Leaves
 Did you or your children  make beautiful special Easter Eggs  this year or maybe catch a peek at the Easter Bunny on the sly?  How about a beautiful flower garden that marks the beginning of spring or a wonderful spot that has special spiritual meaning for you on Easter?  Please consider sharing those with us this week and I'll post them for next weekend.
  Welcome to any and all amateur photographers!!  See upper side bar for information on joining in on this blog that is just for you!!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Colorado Highways.... Memory Lane

This is a small collection of pictures taken on numerous trips around Colorado and a few in Arizona.  I know that many of you have travelling photos that others like myself would like to see. If you can take the time to pick out of few of your favorites and send them in to share please let us know where you took them and why you enjoyed the sights.  Vacation time is approaching and now is our time to plan ahead.

Photographer:  Photo Amature

Cottonwood Pass, Colorado

Colorado Rockies

Eleven Mile Resevoir Road, North

Painting Rendition of Eleven Mile Road, North

The Birds over Eleven Mile Resevoir

Grazing Deer

Sailboat at Pueblo Resevoir
 Grassy Knoll near 11 Mile Resevoir

Foggy Highways

Lava Mountains in Arizona

San Diego Winter Beach
Please consider contributing your favorite photos for your family and friends and other photo amateurs to enjoy.  Vacation sights, nature at it's best/worst, pets and animals in the wild, cool things where you live or special affects you create; all are sought and welcome.
   Read instructions on top sidebar for 'rules of engagement' on this site.  We would love to hear from you soon. You will soon get tired of seeing my pictures I'm sure.  Thanks....

Monday, March 4, 2013

Historic Old Town Snow!

Below is the reason I was unable to post for the blog last week.  While visiting relatives out of town a blizzard came along and dumped over 9" of snow, leaving me stranded an extra day.  After the storm cleared I tried to head home once again but my vehicle broke down and it was towed to the  shop.  Hence..... I had a great time visiting and touring all of the old town historic district in Longmont, Colorado.  I saw a few wonderfully restored and beautiful old homes as well as some unusual lighting fixtures and stained glass that caught my eye.

Photographer:  Photo Amature

Pink Snow Castle

 Ice Cycles and Chimneys

Note Chimney, and
shadow of small hole in corner trim

Once a Stately Home,
Now a Cool Bed and Breakfast!

I love this doorway

Best of the Pick,
Covered Drive and
Old Fashioned Street Light

Complete Wrap Around Covered Porch

Cozy and Homey,
As Well as a Stately Old Home!

Small Town Jewlry Store

Colorful Light Fixture
In Old Italian Resturant

Unique Chandalier
Made with Silver Forks and Spoons

Tongs of Forks Curled Upwards

This Would Make a Wonderful Wind Chime

Antique Windows Replaced with Stained Glass

These are Hanging in the Window
 of an Enclosed Front Porch in an
Old Historic Home
A Very Old Cardboard Gift Box
Covered with Antique Christmas Wrap
and used for Keepsakes and Old Photos
(My Favorite find)
I enjoyed my tour around town and through history. 
Please join our blog and enter some of your favorite sightseeing or historic tours you've been on.  The fun in photography is that we can share our cool finds with others. 
Contact me soon as I am looking for more contributors for this blog created specifically for you as an amateur photographer and for anyone who enjoys viewing them with us.