Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Water, Tunnels and Trees in Fog.

This post is a conglomerate of catchy spots you might come across as you explore your local or near local area.  Have fun finding your favorite views and take some pictures.  Then I hope you will share them with us.  I would love to see what you find in your world!

Fog adds a sense of mystery to any scene and trees like these are no exception. Can't you visualize a child sitting on a lower branch as a bunch of wild horse graze peacefully around this tree?  Imagination.....

Photographer:  Photo Amature

As the fog was lifting this unique tree came into sight.  Perhaps someone took a hammer and pounded the top while it was young?  Fun to speculate but I sure enjoyed snapping a dozen or so shots of it from different angles...  Notice the birds nest?

At first glance I swore this water fall was falling sideways.  What a mind bender until your eyes pick up the small perceptional clues...  The second picture helps out a little....


Don't you love a tunnel?  Of course you must honk all the way through just for the fun of it as we do.  Having lifhts on and honking also alleviates head on collisions as well but let's just have some fun!

More to come in just a few days so keep checking in for the newest Amature pictures.  I hope yours is next!

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Summer almost over? NO WAY!

Summer Can't be over yet...
I'm not finished with it yet!
I am a diehard Spring/Summer person and I don't let go easily or willingly. Hence the spring/summer photos I am posting today.  Take a good look as we say goodbye to the sunshine and sweet smells of blossoms and bright new colors.  Go ahead one more time and smell that new blossom and the new grass of spring?  The smell of newly mown grass in the summer?  I sure do...Ahhh..     Adios sweet warm seasons...
Photographer: Photo Amature:
Flowers fit for a wedding in June...


 Loaded with aroma....

Daisies straight from the 1970's.. Hello Flower Child
 Best Curb Side Show I've found...

Not a Flower but smell that musky scent of old wood?
As always... you are welcome to join in anytime and make comments on any of the photographer's pictures as well as to send in a few of your own favorites.  We truly would love to share in your experiences..
See the sidebar for instructions on joining in.  Comments can be made as anonymous if you don't already have a blog of your own so don't be shy...

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Whoops! It's been too long....

It's been way too long!  But... we will try to get back on track and keep some pictures coming your way.  We will include 1 or more picture for each post and we are definitely still looking for YOU to join in when ever you like to have some of your favorite amateur photographs displayed on our blog.  Please read the side bar for rules and options for joining in.  This is for all ages and styles.  We look forward to sharing your work no matter how new you are at taking pictures.  We will enjoy watching you improve and grow the more you share.  We like to receive comments that are encouraging to each amateur photographer.  We've had entries from eight to eighty so don't hesitate to jump right in.

Photographer: Photo Amateur

Just for Fun!  Do you have a pet with an attitude or perhaps is camera shy?  Maybe your kitten loves to play with ribbons and bows.  Why not take some fun pictures, pick your favorites and send them in?  We would love to share them.

Myrtle loves to go fishing and loves to play in the muddy water
but she is camera shy, even in her cowgirl hat!
Mable is a bully dog and will stare you down but then rolls over
 if you approach hoping you wont hurt her.

Couldn't resist taking a picture of this cute cotton
tail that definitely was not shy at all!

We have many more pictures to share after so long but thought we could start with those lovable pets.  Our email is listed on the sidebar if you have questions about joining in.