Thursday, November 19, 2015

Sunset parade....

Every one of these sunset photographs were taken within about a 15 minute time span.  The lighting and cloud formations changed so quickly and the colors were awesome.  A quick trigger finger on the camera was required to get all of these.

Photographer: Photo Amature

No titles needed for this set as the photos should speak for themselves.  Enjoy!

  I hope you enjoyed the light show.  If you have a few fun sunset pictures then try sharing with all of the rest of us amateur photographers and other lookers.  Also, don't forget to leave comments here as we love to know what you enjoy most.  If you are not a blogger then you can leave a comment anonymously as well.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Fall Away Fall.....

Fall is falling...Have you noticed?  The sun still shares it's warmth on some lucky days while the cool mountain air flows down the hillsides and across the reeds.

Photographer: Photo Amature

Cattails shield water as a warm sun and cool breeze caresses them....

Dry Cattails blowing in a fall wind..
as the Rockies look on....

Half dressed trees rule the byways as leaves fall and leave them bare..

    Ok Y'all, your turn now.  Please contact us and join in.  If you only have one picture right now don't let that stop you.  We will post it as a single entry and it will get all of the attention. 
    Look at the sidebar at the top of this page and send the photos in to be watermarked and shared.  You will get all of the credit by using your handle or alias which protects privacy for our entrants but also you can share with your family and friends so that they will know which pictures are yours.  If you become a regular entry photographer then we will create a tab or page just for your pictures so that you and your family and friends can easily find your entry's.
  Looking forward to some new members soon.  Enjoy!


Friday, November 6, 2015

Foggy Bottom....

Even though these were taken at the end of summer, the heavy morning fog creates a cold and desolate swamp at the edge of a lake.  Cold and a little spooky...

Photographer: Photo Amature

 A Channel through the brush and swamped trees

Winter atmosphere on a cold foggy day

Strips of trees swamped but sticking together no matter the water or the weather..

The fog is settling in for a quiet grey snooze

A lonely old tree shrouded by the fog
A lake is hidden under the foggy blanket
Later the moon found it's way through the foggy evening
  Do you have a favorite thing you like to do or to see?  Perhaps you've taken or would like to take some cool pictures of your favorite thing.  A pet, A person, A thing or a place...It only takes a little of your imagination and a simple or complex camera...which ever you have access to.  Try taking a series of pictures of your favorite pet in action and turn them in to share.  We would love to see what you enjoy in your part of the world. 
    Anyone can join in.  Just read the sidebar for instructions on getting your pictures posted for other's to see.  We have had over 8,000 picture loving people who have come to check out what we have to show.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Winter is coming..winter is coming.

Now that we are all facing the fact that winter is on the way, maybe a few odds and ends taken during our last cold season.  The end of a plants life does not mean the end of the plant or flower.  Seed pods fill and dry and drop their seeds to lie in wait for next spring when they can pop back up through the ground to present us with a new field of beauty.

The Cold Clear Blue Sky
And the Promise of a new Begining

The Snow Highlights
Winter Strength 

Early Morning Drip


Next week: a study in people and computer enhancements.  What fun!
      Please join in, leave comments and send in your picture or two or more that you would like to share.  We would love to hear from you.  Just contact us through the email listed in the sidebar.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Ecclectic tastes...

Eclectic tastes leaves room for a little of this and that.  Here are a few fun pictures taken this summer.  A little sky, a little earth and a few of God's creatures....

Photographer: Photo Amature

 A brush over layer of clouds...

 Beautiful swimmers as well as flyers

The night sky brings them alive in the sky
 but daylight makes for the best napping
 for these little guys

New life can reach through to the sunlight when determined

Ok, come on guys and gals and join in.  I guess I can keep posting my pictures all by myself but it's much more fun when we have a variety of pictures and styles to share.  Think you are too much of a novice?  No way.  Think you are too old or too young?  Again.. not applicable.  Do you like to take pictures of people, places and things?  Well then... let's see what you've got.  We promise to enjoy them.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Throwback to spring/summer...

Before we forget completely what summer was all's a few more recent memories.  Insects busy at their work, being so industrious that I am continually inspired to come back for more of summer's possibilities.  Now that fall is in full swing and winter approaching we might as well reminisce for a few moments.  If you have some seasonal photo's you've taken that you want to share please consider joining us at any time.

Photographer: Photo Amature

Frozen in Motion

Delicate slurping

Yellow Hopper Blend

Is Three a crowd?
All Mine...

Kids, Parents, siblings... come on and join in.  Perhaps you can work as a team to come up with something unique and fun to photograph.  Use lighting and shadows to your advantage.. focus or blurring, color or black and white or sepia tone, shapes and sizes and then of course the subject.  Try some new things. Use your imagination and don't try to follow all the rules, just have fun.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Sunrise in a Misty Dawn

Sunrise or just can't beat them. especially when you can get up before dawn and watch the sun peek over the horizon while it sifts it's warm rays over the land and water.  A little mist in the air gives the light a soft and mysterious feel.

Photographer: Photo Amature

Mist in the early morning lays on the water..

Cool fresh air and mist

Golden Morning on the Lake

Mysterious mist

 Reflective Light 

The fine white plants were covered
 in water droplets from the mist
and looked like snow

 The Mist Laden White Finery
 We would really like to open this up to others who enjoy taking pictures but may be a little shy thinking that they can't take good pictures.  Please don't feel like you aren't good enough.  We all started out somewhere and many of us are still there...just experimenting, trying to figure things out, etc.
Don't be shy, just jump right in and join us. 
   Just send in a picture or two to the email address shown on the side bar. Give us a name or handle you would like to be known by on this site and we will put water marks on your pictures to keep them safe on the internet. If you have any questions or concerns just send and email and we will try to respond to you right away!

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

The Hobbits vs Martians?

Let your imagination run wild...  What if the Martians landed and entered Middle Earth and Found the Hobbits.  Can they work it out and co-exist?

Photographer: Photo Amature

The Martians are coming...
And they brought their own
 building materials?

Hobbit Toadstool Town

Hobbits and Martians try to blend..

Martian Apartment Row

The Hobbit Salt Mines
(don't cheat the Hobbits of their coin)

Do you have one or two or more pictures you would like to share?  Can you make a story to go with them just for fun?  Give it a try and join in.  Read the sidebar for instructions and let's see what you've got.  We love to see what each person sees in their own little world.
           Kids are welcome as long as a parent gives permission for them to enter photos.  We already have a few so check out all of the tabs at the top of the page to see what other photographers have shared.