Saturday, August 31, 2013

WW II Air Force History Tour

We have a special treat this week. 
  A brand new amateur photographer has joined our ranks and has taken some really cool pictures of some World War II planes that were seen at an Air Force History Tour recently.
  Our newest photographer is only 9 years old but definitely has an eye for interesting detail.  These pictures  have not been cropped or otherwise adjusted.  The final four pictures are another photographer's shots at the air show just to demonstrate what our young photographer was experiencing. 
  A child has a unique perspective on life and sometimes sees things we adults may miss.  each picture has a comment or description provided by this young photographer. I hope you enjoy them and please leave comments for our youngest amateur photographer.

Photographer:  "Secret Spy Jacob"

"Picture of an old coin on a map"

"Gears on a plane"

"Controls to see how fast they are going"

"This plane has 12 exhaust pipes"

"Cool, because it was a bomb holder"

"Showing it was an American Plane"

"The inside of a machine gun"

"Cool information about the plane"

"Cool, it was a camera so you knew where you were aiming"

"Another machine gun"

Just showing how many rivits there are"

"Just showing it was an American Plane"

"Showing the propellers on the plane"

The following pictures are another photographer's depicting the airplanes that Secret Spy Jacob got to see and took pictures of.

B-24 Liberator - "Diamond Lil"

 The only still flying B-29 Super Fortress

P-51 Brat III

If you enjoyed seeing these historical planes through the eyes of a child, please leave comments to encourage this young photographer and other young photographers in their enjoyment of taking pictures.  We have a special tab/page just for kids so keep checking for new photos by these young people under 18 years of age.
  Remember, you don't have to have a series of pictures or even more than one at a time to share with us.  Just send in what you think will be of interest to other's and let us all share your experiences and see another's perspective of the world around us.
  Just read the instructions on the side bar at the top of this page and get involved.  All efforts are made to keep your information private and your pictures protected so come on and join in the fun!


Sunday, August 25, 2013

Mount Rushmore, South Dakota, USA, Part I

Vacations in the United States of America can be simple and relaxing, full of history and interesting inventions, or exotic and exciting in its intensity.  This week holds a bit of relaxation and a lot of history and a bunch of "Oh, Wow!"   Mount Rushmore is one of the countries many famous historic sites and if you ever get a chance to go there you won't be disappointed.

Photographer:  Photo Amature

Mount Rushmore, South Dakota

President George Washington, (1st)
President Thomas Jefferson, (3rd)
President Theodore Roosevelt (26th)
President Abraham Lincoln (16th)

Ever wonder why each of these particular presidents were chosen to have their countenances carved into granite? 

George Washington
George Washington led the Colonists during the American Revolutionary War for independence against Great Britain and became the new countries first President.

Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson was the author of the Declaration of Independence and was later responsible for the Louisiana Territory Purchase from France in 1803 which doubled the size of the new country of America.

Theodore Roosevelt

Theodore Roosevelt provided the needed leadership during a time of very rapid economic growth coming into the 20th century.  Roosevelt negotiated the construction of the Panama Canal and fought for the rights of the common working man.

Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln worked hard to hold the nation together during the Cival War and believed in abolishing slavery altogether.

 On a more personal note:  Just after leaving the attraction.

Mother and fawn at the side of the road

Who left their boulders on top of this rock?

Cattails are beautiful to me anywhere I can find them

Granite Tunnel
Look at the diagonal striations into the rock.  It looks like giant fingernails raked down the rock mountain.  Geologic activity and eons of wear and tear always leave their mark!

Bear Claws?
Splinters of rock

A blur of Black and White along the road!

Part II will be posted soon.  If any of you (of all ages) have been on vacation or have been out having fun with your camera, please share some with all of us).  It is inspiring to see what others see and the perspectives from another's point of view.  Enjoy!

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Pueblo River Walk

A walk along the beautiful Pueblo River Walk was a great way to spend a sunshiny day recently.  If you haven't taken the time to go there, you should.  It's a peaceful walk with plenty to see and a lot of history to learn.  The theme around the river walk is Zebulon Pike, The explorer and the namesake for Pikes Peak located just outside of Colorado Springs, Colorado.  Along the walk are story boards, plenty of bronze animals that Zebulon specifically talked about finding on his travels in Colorado and even some quotes from his log book about experiences they had, shown in tile work along the way.

Photographer:  Photo Amature

There are several waterways with very nice sidewalks making easy for wheelchairs and cane walkers to traverse.  You hardly notice that you are right in the middle of downtown Pueblo as you take in the atmosphere.

This little center island held bronze animals all created by local artists.  There is a plaque listing each creator and the animals they formed to look so real.

Tile story boards with quotes and pictures that were included in Pikes log diary.

Colorado's well known buffalo that roamed freely.  There are still several herds in the hills and plains west of Pueblo and Colorado Springs.

Sacagawea was the famous Indian guide that traveled with Pike and his crew, bringing them safely across the nation to Colorado.

This was my favorite display on the walk.  The robe and blanket looked so real and as if it was actually floating on the wind.  Beautiful.

Another branch of the walk.  At the other end of this branch boat rides along the river walk water were available and at the end of another branch were paddle boats to be rented.
  The bridge shown here was where I found the birds in the nest that I posted earlier in the week.

Have you been on a walk about recently?  We'd like to go along with you through your photography perspective.  Don't be shy, just share.  Read the sidebar information at the top of this page for instructions on joining our amateur photographer blog!