Sunday, June 9, 2013

What a Difference an Hour Makes...

Welcome back to one of our amateur photographers who has given us some humor along with the interesting pictures she has shared.  Today's photo set is depicting the scenery changes within an hours drive distance in Colorado.  If you can, join in and send in your favorites photos soon.

Photographer:  Funky-I-Yam

Taken near Beulah Colorado

That's a bunch of Bull....

A Whole Bunch of Bull...

The Historical Treasure of Old Barns

 Where the Pastures Meet the Hills

And then..... an hour away, what do we find? 

Has the Dust Bowl Arrived?

The Dust Storm pictures were donated by a friend of Funky-I-Yam and wishes to remain annonymous.  Thank you both for your contribution.  If you enjoyed this post  please consider leaving a comment below or on the tabbed page reserved for Funky-I-Yam or any of the other photographers so that they will know what our audience enjoys.  Come join in the fun and until next post... keep snapping away with your camera, cause you never know when you will find you have something you would like to share and we are always happy to view them here.

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