Monday, October 7, 2013

Bear Country, South Dakota

Summer is over and Bears are getting ready to hibernate.  But before they do let's take one last look at the end of summer antics of Bears and other wild animals that live in an area in South Dakota called Bear Country.  It is a wildlife filled drive with fenced natural habitat areas and cattle guard gates. 
  Visitors can drive through the acreage and the wildlife get to gawk at those in their cars while they themselves are free to roam and block traffic at will.  They are in no way intimidated by vehicless and sometimes stand in the road gawking back or as was the usual.. just ignoring the vehicles.
    At the end of the drive tourists could then get out and look around at the baby animals and watch their antics as they played.  What a wonderful family outing full of beautiful animals and close encounters.

Photographer:  Photo Amature

The Welcoming Committee - Elk

This White Wolf roamed freely and ignored the vehicles

Dinner Time. (A hunk of meat provided by caretakers)...
Off to Bury the snack for a later time..
I didn't know that Santa's reindeer had a summer vacation spot in South Dakota...

Billy Goat Gruff...

Big Horn Mountain Sheep....
This guy stood his ground in the middle of the road for more than 10 minutes while seemingly ignoring cars waiting just feet behind him...
Eventually he nonchalantly stepped aside.. but barely!
Mountain Goat

One of 80+ Black Bears roaming in a very large piece of acreage
with a winding road for visitors

A  Cinnamon Bear needed a back scratch...
I know... I know... I'm so cool and I know it.....

I'm tired of showing off for all of my fans... I think I need a nap...

Isn't it winter yet?
The Stare Down..

Sneeky raccoon got caught in broad daylight...
More training for the youngsters I guess...
Young Bear Cubs in a Boxing Match

Round Three...

Curious Bear.. Looking for a Bee Hive Maybe?

Competition takes to the Trees..

Conquered the Tree.. Now for a swim in the pool...

Bear Cub Pre School Playground..

Those Bear Cubs Always Steal the Show... but I'm cute too!  And Wiley...
Ok all, Here is an assignment for you....... Take some pictures of bugs or other insects you see and send them in.  Tell what you like or don't like about the ones you choose and see if the rest of us agree. 
   Come on now... look at the world around you in a new light and have fun.  Kids, this will be a fun one for you to join in and show off your photography ability.  
   Remember, no special cameras or trained skills needed, just a zest for life a love of photography and wonder about our interesting world.


Brenda said...

Love your captions! I'm wondering if the elk go to chiropractors. Their necks have to be killing them after carrying around those racks!

Putz said...

isn't the big billy groat gruff the one under the bridge<><>,.oh no that is the troll under the bridge.,,.,.not the billy boy gruff and i see your sister brenda is still up goofin it all up

Amber said...

Wolves and bears and goats, oh my!
Great pictures!