Sunday, May 19, 2013

Pistols and Petals

This weeks post is to celebrate Spring and the delight of the natural flora and fauna.  Sometimes it is beneficial to give ourselves an indepth and closeup view of the miniature world around us to see life in a different and sometimes very beautiful way.  Here's some closeups of some colorful Lillys and other flowers in bloom.

Photographer:  Photo Amature

Hybrid Lillys


Tree buds

Dwarf Red Leaf Sand Cherry Bush Bloom and Buzzy Bee


NOTE:  I am starting an amateur Painting and Artsy Crafty Page Tab on this site for anyone who wants to share their photographs of a special craft or painting they have created all by their little lonesome.  Amateurs only and no advertising allowed.  This is just meant to allow another avenue to share in our amateur photography and our artsy crafty creativity.  Don't forget to send in some special effects photos that you have played with on your camera or computer to create something unique and personalized.  No darkroom needed!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Spring Craft Day

While we are all gearing up for the summer season, there are still some rainy days ahead.  That can create a perfect time for crafts. For this week I have entered a few cool projects that were created just for me by my sister.  She calls the craft upcycling of used/old items and materials and personalizes them to something beautiful and useful.  This post is a little different than our usual scenery and other things we view and enjoy in life but sometimes a little change is cool.
    We are always looking for new photographs that anyone who loves to take pictures cares to share.  Summer enthusiasm and the animal kingdom as well as characatures and activities, architecture along with lighting and angles different from the expected are interesting so please consider sharing a piece of the wonderful and beautiful world around you the way you see it.

Photographer:  Photo Amature

My Olde English Bully Dogge, Myrtle was the inspiration for this kitchen grocery and notes clipboard. That's a real piece of driftwood at the bottom for a pencil holder and authentic old pricetags with strings still attached.

A letter writing Clipboard.   I love to write letters and bills on this special clipboard with authentic old stamps, postcards, pieces of letters, etc.

Barbies and the 70's. I'm a seventies flower power girl so this board made with authentic 70's pattern covers and real buttons is a favorite sewing/guest room decoration.

Ok, let's see what you all come up with this next week.  Your entries need to be in by Wednesday or Thursday each week in order to be posted by that weekend.  Once in awhile I have a waiting list of photos so you might have to wait a week or so but I will let you know if that comes about.  Looking forward to sharing your own amateur pictures soon.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Shy Bandit Sighted

  Note:  I missed last weeks post due to taking time off to be with my family and doggies.  Just warming up for the summer vacation, yes?

  So....While out in the wilds you never know what you will find.  Keeping your camera on your shoulder or in a pocket could net you some cool pictures.  While fishing last weekend along the Arkansas River, a real bandit was spotted just as he swam across a stream.  He tried to hide and acted quite shy but was a little curious too. A new photographer has entered these spontaneous pictures for you to view.  Please welcome 'Wilfred'

Photographer:  Wilfred

You can't see me can you?
Aww... Caught me... 

Don't come any closer....

I can pose too..

Isn't that enough yet? 
 I'm outa here..
Alright folks, your turn now.  Catch us a picture or two of animals in the wild, the zoo or your back yard.  Birds, bugs, snakes, alligators or other wild critters are welcome too.  Come on and join the group and share your love of nature and all wild things.
  Check the sidebar at top right of page for instructions on contributing to the photoblog that was created just for you!