Sunday, November 25, 2012

Vietnam Vets remember Hanoi

Our newest member has requested to share a few poignant and somewhat harsh photos in rememberance of what many veterans experienced while serving on our behalf in Vietnam in the 60's.
  Sometimes revisiting ones past can assist in healing or at least acceptance of what we as humans go through during our lives and especially in horribly traumatic situations such as war! 
  This is to honor those who have served in any war past, present and future to protect our lives and our country and also for many other's not so fortunate in other countries around the world.
  Vet's if you have photos to share that are not graphic but still gives you a moment to contemplate your experiences or if you found some little pleasure or sign of beauty even among the waste, please consider sharing with all of us as we try to understand and to honor you!
  November is a month to give thanks and what better way to honor our veterans!


Remembering the Ammenities at the "Hanoi Hilton"
Hanoi Hilton Toilet

No Toilet Paper

At the Hanoi Hilton

Copper Bucket

Please feel free to leave comments here or on the photographer's own tab/page that you will find at the top of this page. If you are a vet and this photographer's pictures mean something to you consider sharing with him/us.  You can comment anonymously if you prefer.

Until next week which is the beginning of December, be thankful for what you have.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Yet another new Photographer joins our midst

First, I would like to apologize for missing last weeks post.  My computer had a glitch or two and is still hobbling along but will need to be cleaned up soon.  In the meantime You will want to be introduced to our newest member as he has been around the world here and there, including Vietnam and South America, and has several photos from throughout his travels that he will be sharing over time.
  He uses a one step Panasonic Lumix camera and takes it everywhere.  Here are a few  chosen introductory shots from closer to home.

       (Motto for his family crest)


Note:  Some of these were taken while on a 40 year reunion trip with Rolling Thunder to Gettysburg.

Cloud Whispers

Mountain Moon

El Morro National Monument

El Morro National Monument
(Water point along the California Trail
Old Spanish Trail)

Rolling Thunder

Naval Academy Cemetary

I am sure we have many more travelled military and veterans out there that have some interesting photos they would like to share.  I hope this month  will allow us opportunities to thank those who have given so much to protect us and other's around the world.

Keep the photo's coming y'all. 


Sunday, November 4, 2012

Boats Planes and Waterways

Northern Waterways

What could possible follow trains for all boys and men?  How about boats and planes.  Mountain Man took a few interesting shots of both in his northern trek to Canada and Alaska.

   Smell the briny breeze at this boating dock and fishing town on the water's edge.

Photographer:  Mountain Man

Easy Access to Boats and Water

Living on the Edge!

Under the boardwalk!
(previously posted with Mountain Man's Waterways Post)

Ready for Business
On a Beautiful Day!

Sharing the Air and Water

Water Highway

Interesting View of a Water Buoy

Bet you have a picture or two or more that would make an interesting share here.  Check the info at the top right side bar for information on how to join or even just be a guest anateur photographer on our site.

NOTE:  We have had well over a 1,000 views just from passing this on to friends and facebook friends along with blog viewers.  Don't be shy about sharing the address with your friends and family.  Especially if you decide to share some of your photos.